resolveit said:
Jeff's problem is exactly the problem I had, I also had other problems but what happens is during an update of the installers/packages installatron times out and leaves you with a blank screen.
I think you might have hit the nail on the head there: timing out.
Can I ask what you have DirectAdmin's "Timeout" value set to? In our install steps we suggest to set it back to 120 (2 minutes) after the initial install is complete, and our expectation is that two minutes should be enough time for even fairly large Updates.
But I'm wondering now whether it's not enough time. Perhaps some servers haven't been updated in a while (meaning there might be a large number of new archives to download), or perhaps the server has a slow download on one file which pushes the whole Update past 2 minutes.
If DirectAdmin kills the Update process, that's a bad thing. It will leave behind a temporary file which will do one of two things:
1/ it will give you a "cannot redefine" error.
2/ it will give you that "blank page" syndrome.
I've only just now realized these two problems have the same cause. We get the nice neat "cannot redefine" error when it happens on our server, but it seems that some servers just give you a blank page.
The quick-fix is to look in:
And delete any installer that has a number at the end of its name. For example, there might be a 'coranto' and a 'coranto5', so you would delete coranto*.
That will fix the blank screen, and you can then do another Update to continue from where it was aborted.
The next version of iTron will deal with this automatically. And as Phil mentioned above, the next version of iTron will also have a new paginated version of Update which means that each installer update will run on a separate process. It will also update you on progress after every installer, so you'll know that it's doing something.
The Update process aborting could potentially be also caused by some sort of process-shaping util running on the server -- are any of you running something like this?
resolveit said:
Note to self and anyone reading: Next time ask questions!!
Yes, please let us know if you have problems, especially persistant problems. The only problem we've heard about in the last month and a half have been mentioned by Jeff, and until this latest 'blank page' we thought we had addressed the causes in 3.0beta3 and 3.0beta4. We hadn't heard from anyone else who was having Update problems so we thought we had solved it.
resolveit said:
I would still like to mirror the installers and packages as I believe that that would save me from having the same problem in the future.
I'm still not entirely convinced that will solve the problems you think it will solve (you are effectively already mirroring the archive/installer files for yourself), but if you are still having problems after 3.0final then we will work something out with you.
-- said:
I've decided to let my licenses expire without renewal due to the number of support issues, inconsistencies in installations, frequency of updates, errors as described above, and customer complaints.
Can I ask what you mean by "inconsistencies in installations", and by "frequency of updates" do you mean that you aren't happy with our 'two week grace period' policy?