Installed Bind after Directadmin


Verified User
Sep 18, 2006
I've setup a new server and didn't realise that Bind wasn't installed along with the OS.

Bind is now installed but I can't get Directadmin to notice, can anyone advise what I need to do please?

In addition, I had done a restore of the full admin backup from the prior server, now the new one is saying that all domains exist but none show up anywhere on the server.
I've setup a new server and didn't realise that Bind wasn't installed along with the OS.
That shouldn't be a problem. Nowadays it's said that you don't need pre-requisites anymore and DA will install all which is required.

Did you wait long enough? Since this is a new server, did you do the restore after you got the message in the message system section that all background tasks were finished?

Because if you start restoring befor that, you will encounter issues for sure.

Most important, did you or did you not install bind yourself?
That shouldn't be a problem. Nowadays it's said that you don't need pre-requisites anymore and DA will install all which is required.

Did you wait long enough? Since this is a new server, did you do the restore after you got the message in the message system section that all background tasks were finished?

Because if you start restoring befor that, you will encounter issues for sure.

Most important, did you or did you not install bind yourself?
Thank you.

I installed Bind myself.

I made some progress after this by re-installing DA again and it seems to be behaving, I had to clear out some references to domains from the restore that failed and then and carry out the restore again which went through without errors and the domains are now showing.

Fingers crossed all will be ok now once the change of IP propagates for the name servers.
Thank you.

I installed Bind myself.

I made some progress after this by re-installing DA again and it seems to be behaving, I had to clear out some references to domains from the restore that failed and then and carry out the restore again which went through without errors and the domains are now showing.

Fingers crossed all will be ok now once the change of IP propagates for the name servers.

That's why you are supposed to wait until everything is installed. If you have waited DA would have installed bind.
I installed Bind myself.
You shouldn't do that afterwards, you can do it in front, but better not afterwards, should indeed have waited.
Reinstalling was a good idea.

Doublecheck your /etc/named.conf file or the config file used in Debian/Ubuntu that it contains this line:
allow-transfer { none; };
if you ran DA setup again then it most like is already present somewhere in there, but better be safe than sorry.