Installing MRTG Difficulties


Verified User
May 2, 2008
hi, i am installing mrtg on my centos 5.1 64-bit box(DA installed)
all things going well until i enter
env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
and i got
/usr/bin/rateup: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/

what's wrong and what should i do ? :(
Have you actually checked the graphs? I was having problems with using source but got it installed through yum. When running it i get the same error but the graphs are compiled and viewable fine.
I just added to the cron to send errors to /dev/null doesnt seem to be having any issues performance wise.
hi, i am installing mrtg on my centos 5.1 64-bit box(DA installed)
all things going well until i enter
env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
and i got
/usr/bin/rateup: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/

what's wrong and what should i do ? :(
You have some libraries missing.

Can you show me the following output.
rpm -q libpng
Since I was having the same problem I will reply with mine.


mrtg was installed using yum, found that there were no dependencies.

locate libpng outputs


Hope this helps.
mrtg goof

i tried one of the howto ,,, didnot work, so i did the yum install mrtg it seemed to install but still get no graphs, i had used a how to here before on an eariler ver of centos 4.2 and it worked good, but this new server is 5.1 32bit and is working fine but i screwed up with the mrtg install,, if some could do a howto for centos 5.x php 5/x mysql 5x. or just point me in the right direction maybe,,, thanks

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Any news on this?
I'm also getting these errors on Centos 5 64 bit:
/usr/bin/rateup: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/
Any news on this?
I'm also getting these errors on Centos 5 64 bit:
/usr/bin/rateup: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/

What program did you use to install mrtg.
Seems to be a problem with libpng but I havent really found a fix for it yet. Does it cause mrtg to not update correctly?

If it causes no problems you could just ignore it lol...
Old topic, but I still got the same errors with CentOS 5.4 64bit.

I followed the solution suggested to run the errors to null.

Just in case someone is looking for 'how to do this'

vi /etc/crontab

and edit the mrtg line by appending the >/dev/null 2>&1 at the end of line:

*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/core/mrtg.cfg >/dev/null 2>&1

HTH someone for a quick fix (well,. at least getting rid of the error emails).

I'm having the same issue on Debian. This seems DA-related as on other servers I dont notice this issue. Does DA do something special to the GD library?
Anything new on this? I am seeing it on a fresh Directadmin install on CentOS 5 64bit. Quite annoying.

2011-04-13 20:00:01 1QAAuf-0002RD-Nf <= [email protected] U=root P=local S=986 T="Cron <root@server> LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --lock-file /var/lock/mrtg/mrtg_" from <[email protected]> for root
2011-04-13 20:00:01 1QAAuf-0002RD-Nf User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list
2011-04-13 20:00:01 1QAAuf-0002RD-Nf == [email protected] R=localuser T=local_delivery defer (-29): User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list