Installing php-pear with PHP7.1 / Centos 6


New member
Feb 18, 2018

I have direct admin set up on my server, I just upgraded it from php56 to php7.

[root@host custombuild]# php -v
PHP 7.0.27 (cli) (built: Feb 11 2018 16:46:16) ( NTS )

I am running centos 6, however, when I search for php in Yum I am not able to find php-pear. I suspect it's because DA is blocking it, or it's labeled something else, but I need to be able to run

[root@host /]# pecl install memcache
bash: pecl: command not found

Based on my yum search it's just not finding pear which I need to install memcache

[root@host /]# yum --enablerepo=remi search php | grep -i pear
[root@host /]#

Any suggestions?
Well that worked ... sorta

Ok, so using the full path worked, I guess I should have done whereis pear first. Whoops.

Ok so now the issue is that failed ...spectacularly on the make stage:
make: *** [memcache.lo] Error 1
ERROR: `make' failed

It appears it fails on just about every check during the make process. IS there something I'm missing, like a requirement to install it. This is the first time I've installed it, so not sure if I'm missing a step.