Installing PHP5 with PHP4


Verified User
Mar 21, 2006
Hello all,

I've already spoke with John from DA and he was very helpful to provide me with a link that would do the php4/php5 thing for me, but there's one problem - the box we need to do this on also needs FrontPage Server Extensions. Yes, I know it's buggy, and I know it sucks - but we have customers who need the archaic device.

So, with that said, I believe my only option is to install PHP5 manually using it as CGI. Does anyone have a good link on that they would recommend to follow?

If I need to do other things as well to support php5 let me know. Thanks in advance.
Maybe I am missing something but what does php have to do with FrontPage?
Nothing, sorry it doesn't - but the link he provided me contains build notes that disables FPSE when it recompiles/builds everything again.

This is why I'm looking for an alternative to the script he gave me.

Any build of php should not touch FP at all. What do you mean it disables it? Do you mean in httpd.conf? If so then just re-enable it.