Installing PHPBB2 Message Board??


Verified User
Jul 6, 2004
Hello, I am trying to install a PHPBB2 msg. board, and cannot get the "install.php" to activate the install. Its giving me a blank 404 error page. I have done this before, but I could be missing something. I know I have the correct paths for it, but to no avail.
Here is my website link: Raw Power Motorsports
Thanks in advance for any and all help. :)

If it's giving you a 404 then, I guess it's not seeing what you're pointing to...

How did you put the files there... FTP? Can you do .php on that server?

Probably need a little more info on just what you did.

I went to your website and attempted to access phpBB2 to see the error but there was none. The install page is loading for me, there was nothing wrong.

Are you sure you were trying the right address?
I used:

If that still doesn't work, it might be something with your browser. Do other php pages load?
Yes I did manage to get it to install, but the weird thing is, is that I had to use the link that JMStacey had posted. Could have been my blonde kicking in and not typing the correct URL. Anyway, thanks for all the help guys!!:D

Ah heck, I had tried to login also but, I used phpbb2 instead of phpBB2... so, it's not a blonde thing...