Introducing DEMOSUITE - a new support application for web hosts


Verified User
Mar 16, 2006
After more than 6 months of programming, tweaking, beta testing and bug fixing, the first version of DEMOSUITE is finally ready for the hosting industry.

DemoSuite is an application that web hosting companies can use to create a custom-branded "Flash Player" for their customers to download (an EXE file). This "DemoSuite Flash Player" is a desktop application that allows the customer to play their web host's flash support tutorials directly from their Windows desktops, and without having to search for them on their host's website.

DemoSuite works with ALL tutorials, regardless of who produced them. So if you purchased your tutorials from another company other than DemoWolf, then NO WORRIES! DemoSuite will play ANY .SWF file that you have uploaded to your server.

When a web host uses DemoSuite to produce their very own "DemoSuite Flash Player", they are essentially creating their own custom application for their customers to download and use! There are never any charges to your customers, and your DemoSuite Flash Player can be downloaded unlimited times.

Your DemoSuite Flash Player is customizable! Upload your own logo, and define your tutorial categories and lists. Choose a pre-designed skin, and even alter many of the colors within the Flash Player. In other words, the Flash Player is COMPLETELY customizable, and will have the look and feel YOU design. Your customers will be impressed with this "free" application you'll be giving them.... an application designed to help them get the help they need, themselves.... and right from their desktops!!

DemoSuite also helps with your branding efforts.... since YOUR company logo will be on your customer's desktops!

Introductory Special Offer
DemoSuite is available on a monthly or yearly lease, or you can purchase an "owned" license and never have to pay licensing fees. The annual licensing option is currently marked down to 50% off, and the monthly lease option is 33% off. These special offers will end once DemoSuite 2.0 is available (1st quarter 2007).

DemoSuite 2.0
Where is DemoSuite headed? Well, we've already begun designing the next version, DemoSuite 2.0, and it will not only allow customers to play their host's support tutorials from their desktop, but also initiate LIVE CHAT sessions and submit SUPPORT TICKETS. In other words, DemoSuite will become a complete "support console" that customers will have on their desktops.

If you think any of this will benefit your customers, then my advice to you is to "get in early" by purchasing your license now. Doing so will "lock you in" to the lower lease payments for as long as you remain a customer.... and the price of DemoSuite will definitely go up once version 2 is out.

Download a sample DemoSuite Flash Player!
Want to see a Flash Player in action? We used DemoSuite to build a sample Flash Player... and you can download it from our website:

Other helpful links...
Questions Answered:
Press Release:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. You can also contact us directly at [email protected] :)


Rob Moore - Founder/CEO

Are you bucking the trend :) ?

Everyone else is going to web-based programming, and you're suggesting we ask our clients to install an exe on their system? :D

I love the idea. Rewrite it in something platform independent and I'm interested. But as it stands I can't use it because we don't have Windows in the office so there's no way I could support it :( .

sullise said:
Demo gives me a system error message at bottom of window...
Can you send a screenshot to us? Then we can see exactly what error you're getting and where....



if you could try one thing for me. Making sure you're connected to the internet, and Flash Player running, click "File" then "Refresh Flash Movie List".... and see if that solves the problem.


Yes, I suppose we are bucking the trend :). Right now we don't have immediate plans to have a non-Windows version of DemoSuite. But of course that may change depending on demand.


LOL..nm....somehow the program ended up on my block list in the firewall...swear I never saw the prompt come up for it (always asks when a new app is trying to connect).
sullise said:
LOL..nm....somehow the program ended up on my block list in the firewall...swear I never saw the prompt come up for it (always asks when a new app is trying to connect).
Thanks Sean :)

Just to let everyone else on these forums know, the error received was as follows:

Status: Error: System Error &H80072EE7 (-2147012889). The server name or address could not be resolved.

This error appeared in the bottom Status bar in the Flash Player, and will appear if the Player cannot connect to the internet to retrieve the Tutorial List File and thus have the ability to stream the tutorials from the host's server.

Any other questions, just let me know.

