Yesterday at 00:11, apache 2 caught sugrem and never recovered.
When I try to start it it gives me the error:
"Invalid Command 'Order'"
I thought something was wrong with apache, so I recomplie it:
./build apache_2
after adding --enable-so to:
but now the error is:
Invalid Command 'addmodule'
Why did this happen all of the sudden, knowing it was working for almost a week.
Yesterday at 00:11, apache 2 caught sugrem and never recovered.
When I try to start it it gives me the error:
"Invalid Command 'Order'"
I thought something was wrong with apache, so I recomplie it:
./build apache_2
after adding --enable-so to:
but now the error is:
Invalid Command 'addmodule'
Why did this happen all of the sudden, knowing it was working for almost a week.