InvoicingManager under new ownership


Verified User
Mar 22, 2004

InvoicingManager has finally been sold... As the new owners of this plugin we will be attempting to repair the problems that have plagued this plugin for such a long time.

Please be patient with us as we will have to study the code and understand what the system does and does not do well in order to fix the issues but we will get the problems solved as soon as possible.

I invite all of you to report the bugs on so we have a list of the current problems and you can follow the status as things get fixed.

What does the sale mean for current customers...

1. If you have a PayPal subscription you need to cancel it and create a new one with us or you may loose your license.
2. We will no longer have unlimited licenses, only annual licenses as the development costs will be very high and we need to be able to keep the software up to date. Current unlimited license owners will get the next 3 years for free, after that you will be required to pay the subscription.
3. We will be requesting you to provide us with requirements, things you would like to have.
4. Do not purchase any licenses for at least the next week while the transfer of the domain name is in progress.

What does this mean for us...

1. We have a lot of work ahead of us.
2. We will be updating the website to reflect some changes.
3. We will be browsing through the code to figure out exactly how it was written.
4. We may have to rewrite a lot of the code, depending on the quality of the coding.
5. We will take over supporting the plugin as soon as the transfer of the domain name is complete.
6. We will create a stable version of the plugin as soon as possible and distribute that to the current customer base.
7. We will improve the usability as soon as possible.
8. We will be requesting input from the users and the DA community regarding new functionality.

We hope that we can convince the users who have purchased licenses and the DA community as a whole to give this plugin a new chance and not to judge the software based on the problems before the sale.
