ioncube 5.5 for php 5.5 custombuild 2 php ini error


Verified User
Feb 7, 2008
As i see on the ioncube website there is no ioncube 5.5 module. but the php 5.5 build with ioncube option set to yes does add the config line in :


Failed loading /usr/local/lib/ioncube/  /usr/local/lib/ioncube/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

also :

in other words php 5.5 not wise to use and keep to stable of 5.4 ;)
(if you want all the latest modules etc etc)
PHP 5.5.x is stable, and if you don't need ioncube, then it should not be any problem. The problem is the ioncube developers seem to be lazy and always late in releasing new loaders for major PHP versions. They should change their attitude about this, because the PHP release cycle is to release a new major PHP version every 12 month. So this problem will be the same next year.

Here is a link to ioncube forum to follow, to see when the new version is released:

(Even imagick has now released a PHP 5.5.x compatible PHP extension: ) I will upgrade my production servers to PHP 5.5.x as soon as there is released compatible ioncube loaders, that is the only thing holding me back. Currently running PHP 5.4.x on all servers.)
Ditto: thx for your reply

i got also an reply from ioncube from their support department

reply ioncube support:
PHP 5.5 support will be available in due course but not immediately. As always, be aware that hosting providers can take a year or more before each new version of the PHP language is widely adopted. Unless you have control over the target server yourself or you plan to release in 2014, it would be unadvisable to use the 5.5 language at this time. Also learn from history that there could be security problems and crash bugs lurking with current PHP 5.5. While new PHP language features may be fun and intellectually pleasing, which is the reason they get added in the first place, their rapid adoption rarely makes sound business sense.

also there is a point all the "modules" and ioncubed scripts/plugins they also need to be converted to 5.5 this process would even be slower i must assume.
so your right in a sense one should not need ioncube and for a dedicated application server most of the time it is not needed.. for the shared hosting i guess we will have to wait and stick to 5.4 as the default
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The quote from ioncube support make me feel sick, they are trying to put the blame on PHP, when the reality is that ioncube developers is lazy and apparantly don't give a damn. It is very little different bitween PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5, most of the time there will not be needed to make any changes in PHP scripts. PHP 5.5 is very stable, and is more secure then PHP 5.3.x. They are wrong, and they are lazy, and the qoute from them make me feel sick and angry.
excuse me for posting in this old topic
but i searched the google and find these informations :

and i wanna know is this news true or false ?

if they are true why directadmin don't release any update or news for it ?
all of the DA users that use php5.5 have this problem for using ioncube loader !

thanks if some one will answer me !
@Amin, what are you talking about? DirectAdmin has made every version of Ioncube loaders available in custombuild. The newest version of Ioncube is version 4.5.3, it support PHP 5.5.x, and it is available in custombuild.