IP Address Management in DirectAdmin - Grr


Verified User
Jan 7, 2005
I have to say, the IP address management in DA is terrible. Simply terrible. Confusing, convoluted, annoying and needs to be fixed. That said ...

1. A server with 5 name-based domains.
2. I'd like to change one existing domain to be IP-based so I can add an SSL certificate to it.

Do I really have to add another reseller user, then attach the IP address to that user, and then transfer the domain to that user (as it sounds like from descriptions on the forum)? And even then there may be manual work to change the IP addresses because the domain currently exists ...

It shouldn't be this hard should it? Shouldn't there be a name-based / IP-based toggle, and a field to put the IP into, like all other sane control panels? :-)

Or do I have it wrong? Is there an easy procedure for changing a site from name-based to IP-based?

(Thanks for any advice anyone can offer)
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Hey It's not that hard, only if you do it in correct order.

1- login to directadmin as admin
2- assign the ip to the reseller owner who owns user account
3- switch to this users reseller owner panel
4- find the user in his user list
5- click modify user blabla
6- under change user's ip : set users ip to (select from drop down menu) click save

What if that user already has 3 domains, two of which will be named-based? (That is, only one of that user's domains is changing to IP-based)
What if that user already has 3 domains?

If you want the 3 domains to have 3 different ip addresses then you will need to make that user a reseller and then create at least 2 more users under that reseller, assign then different ip addresses and move the domains to those different users. The reseller is a user too so you can leave one domain in place.

Drill this into your head, ip addresses are assigned to users not domains. All the domains under a particular user will have the same ip address. You may not like it but that is the way it is and its not likely to change anytime soon.
Many thanks. It's as I thought it was but was hoping there was an easy way around it, as the move user to different reseller moves all domains rather than just one, so I'll need to do it at the data level.

(It shouldn't be this way though, and it should change sometime soon.)