IP address mess...IP's are in user accounts that shouldn't be there...what do I do?


New member
Dec 15, 2011
I added some new IP's to the server, then logged in as a reseller, chose the user that was full of domains and chose the new IP address. Then I went in and removed the IP address in server IP management.

Logging into the reseller account and looking at the user it shows both IP addresses. When I try to change them again it says Here are the results: "That IP is already in your list of Additional IPs". Looking in DNS it shows that about half of the domains got changed and half have the old IP address.

How do I clean this up and get rid of the old IP address????

They most certainly can! I logged in as admin, picked a user with a few hundred domains, changed his IP and the page timed out changing them. Then it showed the IP as free so I assumed it had changed them all.

That was not the case...once I removed the IP it still showed it those domains in the menu and DNS entries.

The fix was to run the IP change script (search "change server IP") and that did the trick.
Then you weren't logged in as the user; you were logged in as the server admin. Where of course you can do these things.

Guessing... that the DirectAdmin interface was showing cached information and that when you ran the script it cleared the cache. Only guessing though; if someone else knows for sure, please add to the thread.
