IP Blacklist file error


Verified User
Feb 9, 2004
Hi, when I go File Editor under DA and show ip_blacklist I get the following message:

"Unable to read /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist : Unable to open /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ip_blacklist for reading<br>"

Then I went to the directory and notice that there are no files there with that name, should I go ahead and create a file there with that name or is there another way to do it?
yup - it's a text file and entries are listed then can be deleted lin eby line and theres a save button bottom right :)

Okay, so no blacklist file exists until there is a blacklisted ip. Cool, but what about the whitelist. I don't have a whitelist file, so if I wanted to add someone to it, there would already have to be someone whitelisted automatically?