IP Manager fixing and rework...


Verified User
Aug 9, 2004
I'm obviously not the only person out there who went with DA after there system was already set up properly...

I would like to see DA add a script to catch all IPS in ifconfig -a and add them into IP Manager. Yes there is a script that does something similar but it only looks in /etc/rc.conf for that information. Chances would be better in doing a ifconfig -a and catching the IP data there and add it in automatically so us admins don't have to.

Also, there is a LACK of documentation on what DA uses for syntax in files. We're basically stuck with "Add one and see how its format is". I think there should be a library of documentation so we don't have to keep bothering support with such questions.

By the way, thanks to John @ support for all the help. Great job!