IPv6 rDNS (PTR) for entire /64 range


Verified User
Jun 1, 2008

I have an IPv6 /64 block, and the rDNS is delegated to my own nameservers. I'd like to default ALL ip addresses to "unused.xxx.xxx" and just for the ones I use I'll create a separate entry.

How can I do that using bind?
I already tried:


But it does not seem to be working, simply adding 1 single address works fine. I've also found the "generate" option but that seems to be more for IPv4 as it only supports numbers.

Anyone a clue?
Yes that is possible, however that would result in a very very very large file. I might switch to powerdns, as far as I can tell they do support "*"
You may ask a FR to DA staff (or support via their ticketing system) to add the functionality, maybe there is already and we simply don't know ;)

Best regards
Sorry for the late reply, but thanks using this method seems to work :) Will test a few cases over the weekend but so far so good!