Is DirectAdmin a one man show?


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
How many programmers actually work for DA? I only see one person posting in the forums and answering tickets, John. Support chat is never online and sometimes you can post a support ticket and it never gets answered. Not only that, they will rarely log into your box to fix a problem even if it major. An what about support@. You would think they could spend some $$ on a proper ticket system.

Is this going to improve?
No DA is not a one man show. I've had extensive dealings with mark & john over many issues and never had a problem with the speed of there response.
No DA is not a one man show. I've had extensive dealings with mark & john over many issues and never had a problem with the speed of there response.
Emails always get answered fast, but be aware of a different timezone, in that case it can take some longer :)
Support has been excellent for me as well. I've received much here in the forums as well as privately.
IMO Directadmin and the supportbase are excellent and probably one of the best around; John and Mark have never left me waiting for more than 45 minutes on critical support questions(within standard U.S. office hours).

Yes, the development/implimentation of new features could be considerably faster and support could be better, but as a result the DA prices would probably skyrocket.
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I still have a ticket outstanding, its about 9 days old and it was a show stopper issue. Never heard from DA support. Which is pretty much why i posted the origional message.
As I and DirectAdmin have both posted elsewhere, DirectAdmin does not use a ticket system; you contact them through their support email address, found here.

If they don't respond it's either because they didn't get your email, or you didn't get theirs. You can solve the first problem by using their SafeSubmit page to submit your request, and you can make sure you've whitelisted the domain so you'll receive their email.

Pucky, we respond to everything, if you didn't get a response, try sending from a different address, or post to the safesubmit page which ensures we get it. If it ever takes more than 24 hours for a response, then something isn't right, try something else (from a different address or means)

hello, how many programmers do DA have?

it sound like DA have only two programmers.
I do the bulk of the internal coding, we also have Jeff who addresses the email system, and Martynas does much of the apache/php coding. ;)


DirectAdmin staff have always been courteous, prompt with their replies and very helpful in getting problems solved for me.

I am looking at putting on 5 new servers over the next year and I would not consider using any other CP.

I'm also hooked on the DA Marina skin. :D