Is it possible to add more then 1 cert per account


Verified User
Aug 25, 2004

we recently tried to add a 2nd cert to the admin account as it isnt using a wildcard cert just 1 for each of its 2 subdomains. The account in question is the admin account, it seemed to ignore what I put in the vhost file and just always use the cert in /etc/httpd dir's. In the end I just used the 2nd cert alone since the 1st cert we dont need now.
Only one per account to my knowledge, just like IP Addresses. For the user level that is.
So if a client/end user has an account with say 5 domains available in it and he installs a cert for 1 domain he can not install a cert for any other domains? Am I reading that right?

That is not good if so I mean a lot of people have more than one site that they want to have SSL on and that would force them to have a different account for each web site.
No, You can have one cert per domain, but you can not have a cert per subdomain unless it is setup as a domain instead of a subdomain. (i.e. The account's main domain would be the subdomain)
Thanks for the clarification! That is still a little restrictive but that is much better than I was thinking it was from reading above!
jmstacey well that to me seems stupid since its not a limitation of apache as far as I know, rather a limitation of directadmin, I am going to ask john to look at this thread so he can confirm this.
Actually it's a limitation of how SSL works combined with a limitation of how DirectAdmin works, and a limitation on how most of us use the Internet.

You can only have one certificate per port per IP#.

By default, browsers handle SSL (https connections) on port 443.

DirectAdmin allows only one IP# per user.

Hence only one SSL cert per user.

Wait, DA allows only one IP per account? What if you have a plan that allows 10 domains will that user not be able to give each domain a dedicated IP if they want and I allow it in the plan?

I am speaking of TLDs here not sub domains.
Are there any plans to support having more than one IP per account?

Many people have more than one site that they need to have SSL on and if the package offerers more than one domain they would of course have both sites in one account. But with only one IP per account they will be able to install SSL on only one of the domains.