Is there a Ipanel for DA


agree, my bad, sorry:-(

Overview :
Account Creation Automation for Free Web Hosting Companies
 Now with Forced Ads.

iPanel can create both free accounts or normal accounts (with 
billing) instantly and automatically.

iPanel is currently in use by many free web host providers (allow
 users to create websites on their servers in exchange for 
advertising space on the users website pages).

iPanel's current forced ads feature will allow you to place your ad 
code on to your free hosting clients sites with ease. No placing 
code into there sites manually as ipanel will do this automatically 
with a upgrade to paid account feature in the client side of ipanel.

Admin Details :
- Admin control panel
- Manually add accounts
- View/edit client accounts
- Multiple ip sign up restriction
- Free account email verify
- Set new free account to admin or auto approve
- Set free sign ups to subdomains only
- Internal support ticket system
- Mass email users from control panel
- Add Multiple servers with account type separation per server
- Network status
- Sign up Report
- Suspend/unsuspend, and delete accounts in WHM from ipanel
- TOS editor
- Email template editor
- Forced ads editor
- Forced ads into free sites including html, htm, php, perl, cgi.*
- integration
- Paypal ipn integration
- Supports subdomain account creation
- Earnings report
- WHM error center
- User ip logging
- RVSkin compatible
- Free hosting directory of clients
- Email block
- Single and range ip block
- Account creation limiter
- Invisable package option
- Admin notification if port fails 2 times
- Domain import tool
- Inactivity scanner*
- News area
- Client search
Why don't you ask the publishers to see if they'll do it for DA? Since it's a commercial product maybe they'll be interested.


I know. This is an old thread, but its really something that I wish to do. Does anyone know of any products or templating system within DA that allows me to force my customers to put up advertisments on their page?
With some apache source code modifications you can force to input text or html in your footer or anywhere else for that matter.

But that would be systemwide, not per user.
With some apache source code modifications you can force to input text or html in your footer or anywhere else for that matter.

But that would be systemwide, not per user.

doing it that way is handy if you have more than 1 server...

e.g. 1 server for free clients to force ads on them and another server for comercial use.

however I wouldnt recommend it if somone is like most web hosts and has everyone on the one server.
i know this is a older thread but i wanted to post and update everyone that ipanel now supports directadmin.