I'm working on fully automating our Direct Admin custombuild installs on Debian 4.0. The only thing I'm having a problem with is Zend Optimizer. Is there a config file, command line options, or any way to bypass all the prompts that come up when it gets installed?
Location of php.ini:
Press return to continue...
welcome screen <OK>
license agreement <EXIT>
install location <OK>
php.ini location <OK>
apache web server confirmation <YES>
apache bin location <OK>
php.ini change confirmation <OK>
zend installation confirmation <OK>
web server restart <YES>
Location of php.ini:
Press return to continue...
welcome screen <OK>
license agreement <EXIT>
install location <OK>
php.ini location <OK>
apache web server confirmation <YES>
apache bin location <OK>
php.ini change confirmation <OK>
zend installation confirmation <OK>
web server restart <YES>