Is there a way to lock the e-mailaddress that's being used to send system messages to?

David Victor

Verified User
Nov 6, 2019
We have several clients who are renting serverspace with us (in the unmanaged/largely unmanaged section of our clientele) that are intentionally or unintentionally changing the "Email a copy of all messages to" e-mailaddress into that of ours. Since maintaining the server and keeping track of system messages on those servers is outside our contractual responsibility, in order to rid our mailbox from unwanted messages like these I was trying to figure out if it would be possible to set this address and than lock it somehow, or perhaps add a rule to the CMD_TICKET excluding our e-mailaddress as valid, or maybe to dissable the option to set this for our clients alltogether. I haven't found a sinlge clue yet though. Has someone ever attempted to achieve this? Anyone with experience willing to share their knowledge?

Thank you in advance, kind regards,

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If both you and the user do not want to receive these messages (I don't think that's advisable) you can disable this if I'm correct, by disabling the system account, or at least the mail forward to the system account.
Hi Richard, thank you for your suggestion. I should have elaborated on the situation a bit: I was talking about a few clients that chose to rent serverspace without (or with very little) extended service on our account. *(I just edited my question to make this more clear)* So ofcourse we do basic checks and monitoring of some services but checking the system messages and keeping track of users that are claiming to much diskspace or are spamming a bit much initially is their own responsibility. In any case I do not want to disable the systemaccount! I would just like to put a check in place that would make sure they would receive all system messages (and we would no longer receive them :)) But again, thanks for the suggestion!