Is there an SSH Restore Account script?


Verified User
Sep 28, 2004
Here is my situation:

I have client who is behind a NAT and that gives me lots of grief just for starters.
With that said, I got help from John to make DA work still.

However,. I can view DA web page only while located physically at the customer site as he did not open port 2222.

I can SSH and use lynx or elinks to
This works great.
I can navigate through with no problems.. until I got to the Manage User Backups option.

I have a backup in the /home/admin/user_backups/ .
I can navigate to it and select the file that I want to Restore.
However, I can't get the BUTTON of the "Restore Now" to work.
It is not a lynx or elinks clickable or even selectable object, so I can't "press" the "start Restoring now" button.

Is there an SSH command to initiate a restore?
Or is there a different text broweser you can suggest that will enable me to navigate and "Press" the button?


Thanks for the link.
I have a need for a one time situation to make this happen, and it is a very long procedure to do and undo.
I have access to a local machine where I can access it 'within the NAT' so that I can actually YES be able to use the browser with 2222, it just requires me to either use a VNC or physically be located at the facility.
I don't want to make dramatic changes, and this is a just a one time thing, so I appreciate the help and link on this, but it is just easier to not implement the process as you found in the knowlegebase.
Again,had this be a permanent thing to fix, it would be great, but for a one time thingy,...I'm better off not implenting this fix. thanks for the link.
