is there any way to make backup less cpu intensive?


Verified User
Aug 16, 2005
it seems whenever you run a backup feature, it bogs your system down so much that i get a lot of complains from clients who say 'site is slow', 'site always gets slow once or twice a day', etc.. etc...

is there any way to make backup run much more leniently on the background? or even the tally user script, that also really bogs down they system alot especially when you have many many users(200+) it gets quite rediculous.

server is slow to the point it is almost unuseable even on quadcore 2gb ram.

can anyone help me out with this?
I am not sure what you use but the script which I custom make to backup will check for server load, if the load is too high, I shall wait for the load to go down before doing another user backup. :)

Maybe you like to custom make this to your current backup system.
i think the major gripe i have here is that,

whenever you import a user, the first thing it always seem to run is the user tally script.
that tally script runs for a good 1 hour, because of so many user accounts.

just to import one user, i have to wait 1 hour.

i think we need a better logic system here.

it is real frustrating when you do lots of import/export users in between servers.
The backups are just backups, they dont touch the tally.. If you create a backup, we can't do much about that. We set the "nice" value to as low-priority as we can, but disk usage is disk usage.

The reason we run the tally during an import is because we got complaints that the Reseller Level stats were not accurate after the import. In order to recount the stats, DA runs the tally to ensure they're accurate. In theory we could just count the 1 user, and add the numbers to what was already there.. would probably be a more efficient solution... but it gets very messy, if the user was already there.. his numbers would already be counted in the totals, so just adding the numbers wouldn't work. That logic would only work if the user didn't exist on the system yet. In the case that he's already there, it gets messy. The current way ensures accurate counting.

Note that during the post-restore tally, only the disk usage and numbers are counted. DA intentionally leaves out the webalizer stats to prevent the load from going higher than is required. Also, only that Reseller is counted, other Resellers are left alone.

if you have lots users or files, tally after restore is painful and takes very long time and resources, creating high load, especially during the day when there are lots people browsing. i rather have an estimate size after restore, i will get the accurate size after midnight anyway.
yeah, that would be a great idea.
the tally really bogs the whole server down and takes around a good 45 minutes to finish or so with user accounts of over 300
OK, Ill bite, what script you use and where do we get a copy?, sounds interesting.........

I am not sure what you use but the script which I custom make to backup will check for server load, if the load is too high, I shall wait for the load to go down before doing another user backup. :)

Maybe you like to custom make this to your current backup system.