is this possible??


Verified User
Dec 29, 2003
hello all,

is it possible to have an DA server with this specs?

  • pentium 4 - 2.8 Ghz
  • 4 Gb memmory
  • 2 x 120 Gb harddrive (1 for all the website's and 1 for linux and da etc)
  • RedHat Fedora 3
  • Spamassin
  • Antivirus scanner for mail
  • horde webmail
  • imagemagic
  • awstats whitout losing data

the reason for asking this is that whe orderd an server like this but the compagny that must diliver this server to us has problem to get the following point to work:

* awstats only shows stats on date you refresh
* antivirus for mail does not work
* horde webmail will not work they say

thnx for the info :)

ps if you have an company in thenetherlands what does not see this as an problem and you have an good fast network, please pm me and i will contact you to see what is possible.
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The drive config you mention is a little strange - I would arrange them so that one is used for backups.

AWStats can be updated via a cronjob.

Antivirus is fine, but lacks the gui of some of the better tweaks for CPanel - we only recently disabled it on a free hosting server as the volume of mail was loading the processor down.

Horde has been suggested by some and there may well be a tutorial here.
You can try to get the instructions on the various setups for eg awstats under Third Party Software forum.
Why would you want to use Fedora 3, which has guaranteed support only for less than another year.

Why not CentOS or WBEL, with support for between three and five years depending on version you install.

jlasman said:
Why would you want to use Fedora 3, which has guaranteed support only for less than another year.

Why not CentOS or WBEL, with support for between three and five years depending on version you install.


this is on advice of the compagny who dileverd the server. it is still not working. if there are compagny's from the netherlands who can diliver an server like this specs or better and have good colacation hosting please send me an mail. maybe whe can do some business.
Still not working?! I think you shd just put in the Centos 4 CD, install with DNS and Development tools , put it online, get a quote from experts on this forum and get your server up. DA is one of the easiest to install.
thephantom said:
this is on advice of the compagny who dileverd the server. it is still not working. if there are compagny's from the netherlands who can diliver an server like this specs or better and have good colacation hosting please send me an mail. maybe whe can do some business.

Send me a PM with the excact requirements (including datatraffic, etc) and I'll see what can be done.

Onno Vrijburg