Issue Restoring Reseller


Verified User
Mar 9, 2023

First time poster. I'm posting because I would like some help in understanding whats going on. I am trying to migrate a reseller from an older DirectAdmin server running Centos 6 and DirectAdmin 1.643 to a new DirectAdmin server running CloudLinux 8 with DirectAdmin1.647.

I am encountering the following errors when restoring using Admin Backup/Transfer to the admin account

Unable to extract user.conf, reseller.conf or ip.list from /home/admin/admin_backups/reseller.admin.mick.tar.gz
Error while extracting backup/user.conf backup/reseller.conf backup/ip.list to /home/admin/admin_backups/mick as admin : /bin/tar: backup/user.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: backup/reseller.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: backup/ip.list: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Cannot read /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf : Unable to open /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf for reading.
No such file or directory

I have tested the .gz and tar file inside the archive and both are good. The .gz backup is 49GB in size.

Any help restoring this reseller would be much appreciated.
Did you pull the backup from ftp or so ? try to upload it to your users_backup directory and restore it from there
Maybe you have timeout errors because of the online backup, is there enough space to restore the backup?
Did you pull the backup from ftp or so ? try to upload it to your users_backup directory and restore it from there
Maybe you have timeout errors because of the online backup, is there enough space to restore the backup?
Hi the backup is stored on a NFS share I copied it to /home/admin/admin_backups and set owner to admin:admin and permissions to 777 before attempting the restore. I have 380Gb available in disk space.
Did you limit your reseller with diskspace ? what is his package ?
I assume here that you are restoring from reseller/ user backups
Hi unlimited diskspace for reseller on both old and new server. No package is assigned to the reseller on old server. Reseller does not exist on my new server I my understanding is the restore will create reseller during the restore process.
Ok did a brand new backup from old server of said reseller integrity tested the tar inside and gz compression all passed. When restored using
Admin Backup / Transfer I get the following

Unable to extract user.conf, reseller.conf or ip.list from /home/admin/admin_backups/reseller.admin.mick.tar.gz
Error while extracting backup/user.conf backup/reseller.conf backup/ip.list to /home/admin/admin_backups/mick as admin : /bin/tar: backup/user.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: backup/reseller.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Cannot read /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf : Unable to open /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf for reading.
No such file or directory

I'm a bit stumped here......
Guessing here : Try to rename the backup to mick.tar.gz and restore it as reseller (admin) , does it work then ?
To be sure: you are restoring it with the new IP adres right ?
Renaming the file throws a immediate error on restoration informing that file is not in named in correct reseller.admin.username.tar format.
Yes restoring with new IP address. The only thing I can think of now is the gzip version on new DA server might be having issues with the gzip on the old server. gzip 1.3.12 on old server and gzip 1.9 on new server
Isn't it possible to upgrade the gzip version on the old server? Or maybe compile the new one from source.
Other option (don't know if that will work), backup the current binary and put the 1.9 binary in place if it's same main distro.
Ok I think i've figured it out. gzip is a red hearing not related to the issue at all. I did change owner permissions to admin:admin on tar and 0755.
I manually untar'd the file to /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup and notice all permissions on all files are set to nobody. This is because the backup was made to a NFS share. I suspect if I change permissions on all files back to what they were on the source and re-tared the file then the restore process will work. This is my hunch I'll let you know if its works
Well that didn't work same error

Unable to extract user.conf, reseller.conf or ip.list from /home/admin/admin_backups/reseller.admin.mick.tar
Error while extracting backup/user.conf backup/reseller.conf backup/ip.list to /home/admin/admin_backups/mick as admin : /bin/tar: backup/user.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: backup/reseller.conf: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: backup/ip.list: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Cannot read /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf : Unable to open /home/admin/admin_backups/mick/backup/user.conf for reading.
No such file or directory

Now whats odd is that the missing files user.conf, reseller.conf or ip.list are actually in the tarball and in the correct location.
Try and unpack the user backup file in a shell console:

tar -zxvf /home/admin/admin_backups/reseller.admin.mick.tar.gz -C /home/tmp

Probably the archive file is corrupted. And you will see it, if unpack fails.
Try and unpack the user backup file in a shell console:

tar -zxvf /home/admin/admin_backups/reseller.admin.mick.tar.gz -C /home/tmp

Probably the archive file is corrupted. And you will see it, if unpack fails.
You might then try the following:

- create a new backup on CentOS 6 without domains data
- import a smaller backup in DirectAdmin on CloudLinux 8.

Then you might clone domains data between servers using rsync over SSH, or manually unpack it from your bigger backup file. If you manually unpack, then you will need to correct user- and group- owner.
You might then try the following:

- create a new backup on CentOS 6 without domains data
- import a smaller backup in DirectAdmin on CloudLinux 8.

Then you might clone domains data between servers using rsync over SSH, or manually unpack it from your bigger backup file. If you manually unpack, then you will need to correct user- and group- owner.
That sounds like a logical approach it may well prove out where the DA is getting stuck in the restore process. I shall give it ago and report back. Thanks for jumping in and helping I've going round in circles most of the day trying to nut this one out.