Jailkit support

Well, I haven't tried it yet. I don't have an available testing box.

If someone does, then it would be nice if they could test it and post their findings.

I was just browsing the web and found it.
I can give you access to a CentOS4 testbed if you'd like (I've got some I'm going to rebuild soon so it won't matter if they break).

Contact me privately at my email address below in my sig if you have the time and you'd like to give it a try (I just don't have the time right now).

I could be wrong, I spent a couple of hours playing with it today, but it looks like the structure of it's jails are not compatible with DA's directory structure. It may be possible to make DA within it but I don't think so. Also, I had a lot of trouble with the jk_init command. It doesn't work exactly like it's advertised.

I'm now back to looking at the DA jail solution. I've solved most of the major problems I had with it and can get it to compile and work now but I'm trying to decide if the suexec.c that comes with it is necessary for Apache2. It's an Apache1 file. I'm not a C programmer so I'm trying to figure out what the patch does and if Apache2's suexec.c is sufficient.
