Jams after reboot??


Verified User
Jan 17, 2006

I regularly do reboots on the servers on my network ( roughly at the end of each month )
Today when I rebooted my server that is loaded with DA, all sites stopped functioning and DA jams on the login screen...

You see that it keeps on reloading itself and not allowing me back into the controls.
When I try to reload Apache I get

httpd: could not open document config file /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/httpd.conf

Trying to reinstall the apache server does not resolve the issue...

Could someone provide some advice on this or is there a script that will fix things that are missing or corrupted?

Hong Gao Qiang
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You shouldn't be needing to restart your server, this ain't windows.

Check DirectAdmin's data files in /usr/local/directadmin/data and make sure that is the only file having an issue.

You can also try to have DirectAdmin rebuild the httpd.conf files. There are some articles at help.directadmin.com under template with more information on those commands.
I found the problem... Some of the files went missing after a reboot.. Restored from a backup copy and then set the permissions like how the support crew told me to and they are back :)

The reboots are done because some of my servers offer free services and sometimes users ( expecially those free ones ) load scripts that starts hogging the resources. I regularly have to do cleaning up and the reboot is just to wipe out any ones I missed.

But for this case it was slightly different... My ISP had a blackout which caused all my servers to go offline. Wetn down after they said they got my server back up, reboot and then it fails...

Maybe a script that can be programmed and inplanted in the cron to scan a server to see if the file structure is still intact and tell the admin which are modified.
When servers go down because of a power failure lots of files are open.

Some are open in an incomplete state; that is data has been written to them but not yet saved.

Those files will probably give you problems on a reboot.

While we supply our users with remote power switches on request, and while we sometimes have to use them ourselves, we do so with caution after other prospects have been tried, and we warn our clients to do the same.

I have been comtemplating about bring my own UPS units into the Data Center because of this happening. Hopefully that will lower the cases of these happening...
A data center that doesn't have filtered uninterruptible power?

The last time I saw that was in Spokane, WA. You don't happen to be there?

They assured me that their power had never gone down.

I assured them I'd never host there long enough to find out.

Well they have and when I was there, there were these very huge units which I deem to be the UPS that supported the whole center, but I guess even the best of hardware fail at times as well.