JSON installl problem


Verified User
Nov 12, 2009
hello dear

i have a big problem , i want install json and run following command :
pecl install json

but shown this error:

running: phpize
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/local/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module

ERROR: `phpize' failed

centos 5.5 32 bit
PHP 5.2.9 (cli)

not work

/usr/local/bin/pecl install json

WARNING: channel "pear.php.net" has updated its protocols, use "pecl channel-update pear.php.net" to update
downloading json-1.2.1.tgz ...
Starting to download json-1.2.1.tgz (17,780 bytes)
......done: 17,780 bytes
11 source files, building
running: phpize
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/local/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module

ERROR: `phpize' failed
You might want to install it from sources not with PECL.

1. Download sources
2. Untar it
3. Change directory to sources
4. /usr/local/bin/phpize
5. ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config
6. make && make install
I am having difficulty with this as well

And I am sure somewhere along the way I missed the boat on something but not sure what exactly. I am in the process of setting up a second server and when I install a web application, in this case Joomla with a particular file manager extension I end up with a JSON Decode error.

I installed JSON via pecl and still no success so I tried building it from source and when I ran "make test" I ended up with this;

[root@da1 json-1.2.1]# make test

Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

PHP Warning:  Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

PHP         : /usr/local/bin/php
PHP_SAPI    : cli
PHP_VERSION : 5.2.17
PHP_OS      : Linux - Linux da1.laxweb.net 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 07:32:29 EDT 2011 i686
INI actual  : /usr/local/src/json-1.2.1/tmp-php.ini
More .INIs  :
CWD         : /usr/local/src/json-1.2.1
Extra dirs  :
VALGRIND    : Not used
TIME START 2011-08-25 18:25:57
FAIL JSON Test Pattern fail1 -> fail24
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/fail*.json [tests/fail001.phpt]
FAIL JSON Test Pattern pass1.1]
Modified to test unescaped UNICODE as keys and values.
Modified to test numbers with exponents without a decimal point.
Modified to test empty string values.
Modified to test a mix of integers and strings as keys.
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass1.json [tests/pass001.1.phpt]
FAIL JSON Test Pattern pass1]
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass1.json [tests/pass001.phpt]
FAIL JSON Test Pattern pass2]
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass2.json [tests/pass002.phpt]
FAIL JSON Test Pattern pass3]
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass3.json [tests/pass003.phpt]
TIME END 2011-08-25 18:25:58

Exts skipped    :    0
Exts tested     :   38

Number of tests :    5                 5
Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    5 (100.0%) (100.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Time taken      :    1 seconds

JSON Test Pattern fail1 -> fail24
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/fail*.json [tests/fail001.phpt]
JSON Test Pattern pass1.1
Modified to test unescaped UNICODE as keys and values.
Modified to test numbers with exponents without a decimal point.
Modified to test empty string values.
Modified to test a mix of integers and strings as keys.
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass1.json [tests/pass001.1.phpt]
JSON Test Pattern pass1
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass1.json [tests/pass001.phpt]
JSON Test Pattern pass2
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass2.json [tests/pass002.phpt]
JSON Test Pattern pass3
http://www.crockford.com/JSON/JSON_checker/test/pass3.json [tests/pass003.phpt]

You may have found a problem in PHP.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong besides being in this racket? LOL
Taking another run at this and this is what I am getting.

System is ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

sudo pecl install json
downloading json-1.2.1.tgz ...
Starting to download json-1.2.1.tgz (17,780 bytes)
......done: 17,780 bytes
11 source files, building
WARNING: php_bin /usr/local/php5/bin/php appears to have a suffix 5/bin/php, but config variable php_suffix does not match
running: phpize
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/local/php5/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
The json extension is a part of PHP core since PHP 5.2.0. Why do you try to install it as a extension? See your phpinfo() to make sure.