

Verified User
Feb 26, 2022
Some of my email users said that incoming emails dropped into .Junk folder abnormally, they even haven't enabled any anti-spam, but go to this .Junk folder.
Is this .Junk folder the default directadmin dovecot email folder? or it it caused by thirty-part program (like outlook)?
How to avoid it go to .Junk folder?


Hello Stanley,

According to Dovecot settings from DirectAdmin, the Junk folder is a special folder for SPAM:

    mailbox Junk {
        special_use = \Junk # autocreate Junk, but don't autosubscribe
        auto = create

Adult filter, and other filters including SpamAssassin/rSpamd can be enabled by default. So you might check in DirectAdmin what exactly is enabled.

For sure third-party programs (like outlook) can have an impact as well.
ok, thanks for your reply.
If My users don't want emails to go to this .Junk folder? how do I avoid it?
(I have already checked that no spam settings or filters for this domain in our da server side, it is most likely caused ty third-party.)
If My users don't want emails to go to this .Junk folder? how do I avoid it?

Read mail logs for possible clues. If emails are moved to a Junk folder by software installed on a directadmin server, then traces can be found in mail logs on the server. Names and locations of mail logs will differ depending on what kind of OS you use: CentOS like or Debian/Ubuntu. For CentOS/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux it will be /var/log/maillog and /var/log/exim/mainlog, check the link for location of other logs:

- https://docs.directadmin.com/directadmin/general-usage/directories-and-locations.html#log-files

If logs do not have traces, and you have enough old logs, then it's a third-party mail client installed on their network device or Sieve filters (that can be reviewed and edited in RoundCube).