just few questions in my mind

jack sparrow

Verified User
Feb 3, 2010
Hey guys

aim a nobie in few things i need more knowledge for it..

excusme for my english :D ill try to explain as much as i can .

i just need to know few things about process

and for your informations my server only has 1 website its included , i just need to use the process that i need to :

1- VB forums
2- flashchat

and i just wanna know what is that things :

1- what is Devcot and do i need it ?
2- what is Named and do i need it too ?

last question how do i can decrease ram server by stop usles process

your help is very appreciated .
Dovecot manages both IMAP and POP3 email. If you use your server for email, then you need it.

Named (also called BIND, the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon is required if you use your own server for authoritative DNS for your website(s). While you don't need it if you don't, you DO need the directory structure for it, as DirectAdmin needs the directory structure to operate.

You can shut off all daemons you don't need, and set them to not start of boot, but I can't tell you how to do that because it differs between OS distributions.

You can remove daemons you never need, but again, I can't tell you how, becaue it differs between distributions.

And I can't tell you which you need and which you don't need because that differs between servers, OS distributions, and administrators.

Generally when installing DirectAdmin you should only do a bare minimum install before you install DirectAdmin.

If you need help with understanding all of this you might be well served by hiring (perhaps from these forums) an admin to manage your server for you.
