KISS v2.1 Question - autostart?


Verified User
Nov 26, 2003
Hi Everyone... I have searched and read posts until my eyes are sore but there aren't many comments about the new version listed on the developer's website... here.

On many of the posts in this forum, there is a mention to add a line of code "/usr/bin/kiss start" to /etc/rc.d/rc.local after you set KISS working properly.

Ok, on the developer's site, he has instructions about how to get KISS running... however, he doesn't mention the code thing. So, does his new version have some magic that the other versions didn't? Or, is the adding of the code to the rc.local file something that you folks implimented? I am still new to a lot of this and very new to KISS... so sorry if that is something that I should know.

I appreciate your input.

PS: currently I have KISS on a CentOS 4 box with the latest version of DA... and when I reboot, KISS doesn't seem to work until I "restart" it. So... this may answer my own question. I would just like confirmation from this community. Thanks.
You're right; he doesn't include any instructions for starting kiss, so it won't start when you restart your server.

Again... thanks for the confirmation. I just want to get this little gem to act right. Oh, I used your list of ports (from your KISS version) in my installation.... I also appreciate the comment about ModernBill.
OK, after a little sleep... I have one more question about KISS. After reviewing all of the other posts, I noticed that many left the "" designation in the SERVER_IP line of the config. I assume that this will make things easier for the setup... BUT, does the script generate some output based on the entry here? I noticed on the developer's site he encouraged that we use this field.