KVM CentOs 6.4 incomplete installation


New member
Feb 4, 2014
After installing directadmin it didn't create a directadmin.conf so I could reach the login page x.x.x.x:2222.
After I manuallly copied the setup.txt to directadmin.conf and manually started directadmin and restarted the VPS I could reach the login page, however I couldn't login using the created admin password generated in the setup.txt.

Does anyone know what might have gone wrong?
Anyone here running DirectAdmin/CentOS/KVM who can verify that it works?

I've got several KVM based virtual servers with Directadmin and CentOS 6, and no issue have ever seen there related to KVM.

Anyway Directadmin has nothing that would depend on a virtualization type by itself. Some very rare aspects of cause might be related (disk quotas mechanism that differs on OpenVZ) to it.

Thus if the topic starter has an issue with installing Directadmin I'd rather say the issue would be the same if to clone KVM based VPS to a hardware node. That should not depend on the fact of running KVM.