Lack of IMAP on DirectAdmin


Verified User
Oct 27, 2008
Hello Any and All,

I wish to recompile PHP to include IMAP support. I currently work as technician and come from a strong hardware/software background as opposed to network/server background.

I have spent (most) of last week trying to recompile PHP to include IMAP support and in doing so have made alot of progress as well as learned a great deal. However have yet to reach my goal.

Discovered a program called PUTTY which allowed me to access my test server where i could then login under the root account. All of which i learned the hard way.


I know i have edit the two files below as follows

--with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2000e \
--with-kerberos \

but how do i acess these files to edit them


I also know that once i edit these file i have to do the following:



cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

do a

./build clean

and a

./build php n

I could really use some help guys as one technician to others.

Yours Sincerely


PS: I have now been told that what i want can not be done from Putty is this true or false

PPS: The only discomfort i have with directadmin so far is its lack of CONCISE help!! This is due to as i explained before my spoiled hardware/software background!

PPPS: Thank you all in advance!
Do you have any linux/unix administration background at all? If not, then I don't recommend you try to do any of this yourself; one simple mistake and you break your server.

I hesitate to give you step-by-step instructions because you could run into lots of issues which you couldn't correct, and could easily break your server.

Just exactly what is your level of experience with Linux/Unix?

What is your preferred Linux/Unix editor?

indeed jeff,

people who claim: "come from a strong hardware/software background as opposed to network/server background."

And ask questions if putty can do the trick..
No offense to TS but do we have to take you/this question serious?

Tip of the day:
PLAIN-TEXT prompt / syntax commands rule the unix system.

PS. Unix is no windows
Yes, but we still have to help as best we can without offering only enough detail for someone to destroy their system with a simple keystroke error.


Hello jeff,

Thanks for the advice. I managed to resolve the problem in the end and recompile php to include IMAP support. It did take about 6 hours to do so.

Anyway thanks again!

is there any step by step guide to do recompile of PHP with IMAP Support?
