Language pack for custom skin - info needed

New member
Jul 1, 2015
Hi, I would like to ask You how can I translate my own DA skin to other languages? I need technical information about it, becasue tutorial "Creating a language pack for DirectAdmin" is about only Enhanced skin. I really need that information :)
Is the same of the guide, just change the Skin name and you got the right path...

Every skin does have a lang folder where the languages are stored (if the skin maked made the skin right).

Ok, in my skin files I use LANG_DOMAINS token for example in sidebar.html file whitch is included to every CMD_ file, in lang folder i have another folder "pl" and file sidebar.html in it. Lang file sidebar.html content looks like this: LANG_DOMANIS=Translated text. But after run this template i get "none". How language files should look like?