Solved Laravel on DA on public folder. Domains or subdomains


Verified User
Apr 16, 2021
I've seen many posts. Some old, some more modern,

I've read the documentation but I feel helpless.

I prefer the documentation method.

But first question
DirectAdmin allows the Admin to insert extra httpd.conf code that a User may require. To access the control page for this functionality, go to Admin Panel -> Admin Settings -> Customize Httpd Configurations.

Once you see the list of domains, click the domain you wish to insert the extra httpd.conf code for. <<<

Click where?

If click on httpd.conf or nginx.conf proxy... I see a config files and logical is not here.
If click on php-fpm.conf XXX I see some

The code you write will be inserted into the |CUSTOM|
CUSTOM1 or CUSTOM2? Global or not?

Oh. I think is not correct way.

My logic would tell me that I want to do it globally for this subdomain, which has its own entity as a domain.

And that I want it in all PHP versions because the client may want to change the PHP version and we won't have to get lost here again.

But I see that it's not possible, that even if I click on one of the subdomains (it's a subdomain that is in the account /home/USER/domains/SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN.TLD

So in the end I get lost in the manual. UY I don't like that of changing the public_html and generating a link... I prefer that the php and php-fpm be built internally.

Is it possible?

I'm migrating an entire server in which almost everything is Laravel, and one is domains as a user account, other users share two, the main domain and the api, both being configured in the way above.


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After I tried a test with a new domain laravel.MYDOMAIN.TLD an install with composer a new Laravel I see my error.

Seeing and understanding that the change was here...

Somewhat confusing in my opinion.

But works.
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