I added one automatic backup per account to be sent to a remote ftp server about a week ago. One site is much bigger then the rest, about 30GB in size compared to the second largest which is at about 2GB. The first night i got an error that it couldnt create a backup for this site because not enough space was available, the other sites were backed up fine.
So i made some room, there is now about 65 GB of free space and the night after all sites were backed up and sent to the remote server without any problems. But ever since then i've been getting this error every night.
Subject: An error occurred during the backup. Today at 03:47
User xxx has been backed up.
Cannot open local file /home/tmp/admin/xxx.tar.gz for reading: No such file or directory.
ncftpput /home/tmp/admin/xxx.tar.gz: could not open file.
And every day i've scratched my head, double checked that there was room on the server and double checked the ftp-settings, double checked that there is room on the target server and with no more ideas just hoped it would work the following night.
File system on server is ext2, i dont think it has any problems with files of this size.
Any ideas? all other backups runs every night without any issues, and this backup did work that one night before deciding to throw this error every night instead.
I added one automatic backup per account to be sent to a remote ftp server about a week ago. One site is much bigger then the rest, about 30GB in size compared to the second largest which is at about 2GB. The first night i got an error that it couldnt create a backup for this site because not enough space was available, the other sites were backed up fine.
So i made some room, there is now about 65 GB of free space and the night after all sites were backed up and sent to the remote server without any problems. But ever since then i've been getting this error every night.
Subject: An error occurred during the backup. Today at 03:47
User xxx has been backed up.
Cannot open local file /home/tmp/admin/xxx.tar.gz for reading: No such file or directory.
ncftpput /home/tmp/admin/xxx.tar.gz: could not open file.
And every day i've scratched my head, double checked that there was room on the server and double checked the ftp-settings, double checked that there is room on the target server and with no more ideas just hoped it would work the following night.
File system on server is ext2, i dont think it has any problems with files of this size.
Any ideas? all other backups runs every night without any issues, and this backup did work that one night before deciding to throw this error every night instead.