ldap authentication


Verified User
Aug 16, 2014

I want to know how can I sync /etc/passwd with ldap server or if it is not possible in Directadmin then how can I access to the user name and password of a user when it's creating ? I can customize the script to add the user and password into my ldap server.
There are scripts you can make and place in:


There is a README file in that folder you can read through, it has more information.

But i'm assuming you are wanting to make some of these scripts (this is a portion of part of the file):

user_create_pre.sh - Runs BEFORE the user is created, but after it's confirmed.
If this script returns anything but zero, the creation is aborted
user_create_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is created.
user_destroy_pre.sh - Runs BEFORE the use is destroyed. If this script returns anything
but zero, the destruction is aborted.
user_destroy_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is destroyed.
user_modify_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is modified.
There are scripts you can make and place in:


There is a README file in that folder you can read through, it has more information.

But i'm assuming you are wanting to make some of these scripts (this is a portion of part of the file):

user_create_pre.sh - Runs BEFORE the user is created, but after it's confirmed.
If this script returns anything but zero, the creation is aborted
user_create_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is created.
user_destroy_pre.sh - Runs BEFORE the use is destroyed. If this script returns anything
but zero, the destruction is aborted.
user_destroy_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is destroyed.
user_modify_post.sh - Runs AFTER the user is modified.

Thank you, I got it.