Legacy DirectAdmin License check failure


New member
Aug 16, 2024
I have DA version direct admin 1.652 on my server (don't use autoupdate for legacy reason).
Legacy License.

Yesterday DA become broken with message:
Reason: transient license check failure: incompatible version, please upgrade DirectAdmin
1.652 released nearly year ago, seems not too old for me.

Does i really need to upgrade DirectAdmin, or is this look like a some bug?
This is not a bug -- it is a valid error message that results from deferring DA updates for too long. Our software and licensing infrastructure evolves over time, and while it is possible to defer updates for quite a while (weeks, months), there may be problems if it becomes years.

Could you provide some context for pausing at 1.652 and refusing updates past this? It seems like an unusual case, to keep paying for a license but never wanting updates again, so it would be much appreciated if you could provide a technical justification for it. Without such information, it is very difficult for us to anticipate such situations.
I have lots of clients sites, which require some old software for run. Mod-php, for example, e.t.c.
So i cannot use custombuild build command, because it will broke clients sites.

And i not sure about what will happen, if i use "da update" command.
1) Will this command update only DA, without updating 3rd party software in custombuild?
2) Will new version of DA work with obsolete 3rd party software?
Sorry for bumping into but I am in a similar situation. Any solutions for this, how to upgrade only DA?
@tansu you can fix it by running these commands:

da config-set autoupdate 1
da config-set autopatch 1
da update

First two will make sure DA will auto-update when new release is available, the last one will trigger an update to happen now.
Sorry for bumping into but I am in a similar situation. Any solutions for this, how to upgrade only DA?
"da update" update only DA, without any other software.
Only negative impact I detected - DA rewrited all templates like virtual_host2.conf and related configuration files for all sites.
And i don't want try my luck with "build rewrite_confs" command.