Let's encrypt certificate issue


New member
Jun 2, 2017
Hello All,

I'm using directadmin with let's encrypt certificate for few months and several domain names without issue but since last week, a domain name does not succeed to renew the certificate. When I try to create a new one manually, I receive the message below :

Getting challenge for domain-name.org from acme-server...
Waiting for domain verification...
Challenge is invalid. Details: The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge [tXIIBFvW7m3uv2U4i8VmsZVFHK3HRXlq8P3TPN3Q_AI.3q_KYmBgmqWVZycm0pBx--qJriX_mZkOrmXRRsiZ2IQ] != [tXIIBFvW7m3uv2U4i8VmsZVFHK3HRXlq8P3TPN3Q_AI.4E3VCTFsySjUrqnCg0ooULx-3kbdPBygi0aWkvg5Gd8]. Exiting...

I'm trying to find a solution on Google but without success.

Maybe somebody knows the process to solve that.

Thanks in advance.
You can find various solutions to various Letsencrypt issues here on the DA forums. Some solutions also fix other problems.
If I use Google with your error "Challenge is invalid. Details: The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge" then this is the first solution.
If I put the word Directadmin behind it I find this solution here on the forums.

Is your letsencrypt up 2 date? Otherwise do:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build update versions

Good chance any of these 3 provide a solution for you.
Hi Richard,

Unforntunatly, these 3 proposals have been already tested before I posted in the forum.

I will see with the let's encrypt community to find another way.

Let's encrypt community solved my issue.
It was due to the wrong DNS record for AAAA. The IPV6 was not correct.

Hope that will help other people in the future.
