Letsnecrypt + apache - url domain not found

The same problem here, Apache+nGinx (CentOS7), the aliases are correct, the route is correct and it exists, but it can not be accessed from the web, the rest of the aliases work correctly.
Indeed the problem is Apache, I have customized the version of apache in custombuild to 2.4.29, made a "build update" and "build nginx_apache" to make a downgrade to this version and now works correctly the web access to the url and letsencrypt certificates are already updated well.
Sorry, wrong topic. I deleted the message.
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Any suggestion to this?
I have similar problem, can't access to files behind alias .well-known/acme-challenge
alias module on, alias in config exist and have no clue how to resolve...
There are several bugs in Apache 2.4.33 (also with setup NGINX + APACHE)
You can best downgrade to Apache 2.4.29.