LFD says: Excessive resource usage php-fpm55


Verified User
Apr 19, 2015
Well, the title says it all: LFD is intermittently reporting excessive resource usage by php-fpm55. Which is strange, because when I check the Service Monitor in DA, php-fpm55 uses no more than 7 MB. This is not surprising, because this (virtual) box isn't yet running any websites at all. So why the peaking memory alert, telling me php-fpm55 exceeds 200 MB?:

Time:         Thu Apr 23 13:20:25 2015 +0200
Account:      webapps
Resource:     Virtual Memory Size
Exceeded:     220 > 200 (MB)
Executable:   /usr/local/php55/sbin/php-fpm55
Command Line: php-fpm: pool webapps                                                                                                  
PID:          4572 (Parent PID:3614)
Killed:       No

What might be the cause of this? Is LFD wrong, or is php-fpm55's memory usage spiking every now and then?

Well, with all due respect Alex, that doesn't really sound like a solution to the actual problem. It's a way to ignore the symptoms, but I have a VPS with a rather limited amount of RAM, so I'd rather avoid php-fpm to really spike (if it actually did, which I still find hard to understand).

I lowered the pm.max_children in the php-fpm config files for each user, then rebooted the entire system, and it seems to be holding up. I haven't seen these messages any more.

But thanks for your suggestion though. I read that sometimes the CSF resource warnings are premature. In my case, 200+ MB for a server with no PHP websites running didn't sound right.
It's user webapps which is meant in an alert from LFD, which is used for running web applications: roundcube, phpmyadmin, squirrelmail, etc. So even if you don't have running website, you might still have them all or any of them installed. And if LFD alerted you, it might mean that somebody was trying to bruteforce any of these applications. So you might need to check web server logs for details.
Alex, thanks for pointing that out. Hadn't thought about Roundcube and Squirrelmail. And you're right: brute force attacks are abound. When I set up this VPS two years ago, that scared the hell out of me. But I read that being under attack almost constantly is just a reality when you run your own server.

I'm quite new at Linux (I'm a Mac OS X geek) and I'm still learning a lot of new stuff every day. I came across this thread on Stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4802481/how-to-see-top-processes-by-actual-memory-usage and the accepted answer provides some interesting info about Linux' memory model.

The LFD message I got was for "excessive resource usage", but in fact LFD just complained about php-fpm allocating a tad too much virtual memory. From the Stackoverflow thread I understand that virtual memory isn't really something to worry about. And by using top I was able to see that the percentage of used RAM for php-fpm hardly increases if I start hitting one of the test websites on this VPS at a reasonable frequency.

So I followed your advice and added php-fpm to the CSF&LFD ignore list afterall.

So thanks, again!