License expired troubles


Verified User
Jul 6, 2007
I've bought server with DA in May 2007 - 2 month's ago.
License should be lifetime and in DA I saw it's for 2037 or sth similiar, but unfortunatelly today I can not use any of my sites.
When I loged into DA I got "License has expired", what is the problem? How can I force my sites to be working? Unfortunatelly my provider is not available today - wrrrrrr.
Could You help me somehow?

Thanks in advance,

First DA not working and your sites not working are two different issues. You sites will still work even if the DA license has expired.

Check the date and time on your server.

If your sites stopped working at the same time then perhaps apache cannot start because the hard drive is full.

Check the DA and apache error logs and let us know what they say.
First DA not working and your sites not working are two different issues. You sites will still work even if the DA license has expired.

Check the date and time on your server.

If your sites stopped working at the same time then perhaps apache cannot start because the hard drive is full.

Check the DA and apache error logs and let us know what they say.

1. some sites - empty are working for example, other not - example

2. date is ok
3. harddrive is 8% used
4. what exactly should I look for?

thanks in advance

If DirectAdmin says expired and your DirectAdmin account login shows a paid license then you need to contact DirectAdmin Sales.
