License Update


Verified User
Oct 6, 2006
448/9875, Soi Nathong 3, Ratchadapisek Rd., Huay K
Need super urgent advice
I moved my server from one ISP to another. When I update license ( ./ I received "You're not authorized ... " due to provider has some sort of proxy/firewall/router that changes my actual IP to IP of their device on outbound 443 connection.
That is the problem in a nutshell.
My question is - how to get that license, I paid for, to be installed on my server? I'm sending mails to support, making phone calls, typing something in ssh for last three days - while I beleive I should get it done hussle-free.
pls advice, I have to any options left
DirectAdmin will only run on an externally visible internet-routable IP#.

Have you gotten in touch with DirectAdmin staff yet? If not you should probably contact the sales department.

Direct Admin

Well, thats a first thing I did. Nothing much happen, though
It seems like no body even read my letter. Maybe too hard, but support ( or sales wt*) is useless.
My point is - If I have my server up and running, w/o any modification, straight on IP I registered - than software I paid for must work there.
There's no clause on System Req. page about this, so pls place it there, and let ppl check it ( some applet or form ) before they order.
You've already written that your provider changes the IP#.

So DA won't work.

I changed my server also my IP has been changed, but
I couldn't install DA my new server cause of licence problem.
I have to transfer my DA licence IP to new one.

I wrote a lots of mail to DA support and sales department
but I couldn't get any answer or solution for my problem.

I hope one of DA support service authority read this message
and help me to solve this..

Please contact me via this forum thread or from my mail..

Here is my contact mail for DA support dept.: [email protected]
