Limit User Permissions


Verified User
Sep 1, 2009
Hi there,

I am sure the answer to this is very simple and has been answered before but am struggling to find the answer and want to make sure I do it in the best possible way.

I want to limit several clients so that they are only able to edit the emails settings section and none of the other high level options. What is the easiest and best way to do this?

I still want to be able to have access to and be able to alter all of the other settings as the admin.....not sure how this would work as I seem to use the same settings as the user when I login as the user.

Sorry if this is a silly question! :confused:
Would this stop people from being able to enter the direct url to a settings page and getting to certain settings?
And also, how would I then as admin be able to edit any of their settings because as far as I understand it you have to login in as the client to be able to edit settings for the user so surely I would then be limited to this skin too!
You cant limit what people enter as the url. You can only limit what you give them access to via the skin and what you set them up with.
And also, how would I then as admin be able to edit any of their settings because as far as I understand it you have to login in as the client to be able to edit settings for the user so surely I would then be limited to this skin too!
What setting are you talking about? Why would you need to edit settings they dont have either.
Sorry I am not making myself very clear. What I mean is if I change the users skin to limit them to only accessing the emails settings. Then surely when I login as the user I will also be limited to only being able to edit the email settings. Therefore how am I going to access the higher level options e.g. DNS, FTP and Subdomains etc... Sorry If I am being stupid! :)
Not much you can do about that. Either memorize the urls. Maybe there is a way to do an if statement in the skin where it knows when your logged in as admin to show the extra stuff.
Ok, no probs guess I will just have to switch the theme if I want to be able to make any changes.

Thank you for all of the help. :)