Links missing from other than home page


New member
May 20, 2005
Warning. NOOB . I 'moved' a site from gisol. Everything worked yesterday. I wwaited a couple hours for it to propagate and then did the publish. I did have a lot of trouble completing the move - kept getting disconntected during transfer. I am using FP2002 to publish the site. Sorry - it's what I know the most. On the home page there is a link structure on the left side and a banner at the top (part of the theme) Now that everythings on hostpc, the link structure and banner is missing from all the other pages. You have to use the back button to return rather than the link buttons that used to be there.

When I use the preview option in FP, everything is there and works fine. I published 'changed files' again, nothing appeared to up date.

The home page is .htm rather than .html

Any ideas?

nm - :( deleting or changing the pages and re publishing fixed it. I did make the error the first time around, before the site was propagated, of using file manager to start the up load. I've read since not to use file manager is FP extensions are enable. I guess I've learned why? :)
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