Links problem


New member
Jun 5, 2005
Enid, OK
This may be a stupid question but when i manage my files, i clicked on the html files to get the links of the pages and then copied them to the other html pages so that they could all link to one another. When i go my web page i can usually go to one link and then if i try any of the others it asks for my username and password for Administration. Please send reply asap. Thanks.
Could you provide the page and links that do this and/or screenshots to help us better understand your problem.
Some Links work

If you first click on the Theories links it works and sometimes the Pictures links. The forum link always works probably because it is on a separate site, but the rest do not work after that. It always asks for me to log in.
Your links are pointing to DirectAdmin server (port 2222)

For example on your theories it's currently
but it should be:

When uploading a file through DirectAdmin's Filemanager the complete path of where the file is stored is shown, not the link that you should use (at least not all of it)