Linux dist for DA


New member
Oct 20, 2007

In few days I will install DA on a fresh server (VPS). But now to my question, which Linux distrubution shall I choose?

My hosting provider supports:
Debian 3.1 and 4.0
Fedora Core 6 and 7
CentOS 4.4 and 5

I have experince of Debian (Ubuntu), but is it a good choose?
I´m looking for a dist which runs DA stable and so little problems as possible.:rolleyes:

/ Sebastian
DirectAdmin is built first on CentOS. My recommendation would be to build on CentOS 5; that's what we'll be doing for all new servers.

But you should build on the compatible system that you're most familiar with.

CentOS 5 still hassome I/O related issues with SATA HDDs (Read only FS problem) if I'm not wrong.
Well, I faced this issue a number of times on 2 dedis with SATA HDDs...had to switch to IDE.
Did you report it as a bug to the CentOS bug reporting system? If not, then how do you know it wasn't a specific problem of non-support by your drive controller?

i got many problems with installing DA on a ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake.. anybody a lucky men with ubuntu and da?
Thanks for the help!

I choosed CentOS 4.4 and tried to install on it. Somehow it faild and I contact the support, they made a new installation and that worked fine. But I think I´m a bit of parnoid and I want be able to install the controlpanel myself. I repeat the process and I failed again.

So now I probably will switch to Cpanel, wich is much easier to install. I´m thougt that DirectAdmin was great, but some times you have change your views.

DirectAdmin is easy to install. I don't know why you're having a problem; we don't when we do the install. Have you asked DirectAdmin support what they did and if they ran into any difficulties?
