load apache up and down is not normal


Verified User
Oct 22, 2012
Hi everyone

today, my server running hosting web have some problems about apache process, it is nomally 15 minute then load high to 50 with very many httpd spawned when load to 50 down nomally and increase again. It is not normal.

i can't find cause , help me

Thanks all

You might to enable server-status and see what pages are the most requested. And/or read apache logs.
i enabled server-status and checked it, don't display any domain access too much and log is same.

how to find cause, thanks
i checked server-status and check log but still can't find cause, i found log in /var/log/httpd/domain then check suspect.


  • load.png
    50.1 KB · Views: 60
  • server-status.png
    32.6 KB · Views: 51
You should set

ExtendedStatus On

and restart apache.

You've ran out of free RAM, and your server is using SWAP, that makes your server very slow and unstable. You've got no enough RAM to handle so many concurrent connections to Apache so you might need to lower

    ServerLimit          450 
    MaxClients           450

in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf to something between 50-150

i configured as your guide but load still unnomal, it can cause from Directadmin, you saw the same problem ?

I don't know your details, and can not give you detailed guide. There are too many things which should be considered. If the loads persists, you probably faces a (D)Dos attack. What is you link for server status? I'd like to see that, if you want more concrete piece of advice.

Did you enable ExtendedStatus in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-info.conf?

Note, I'm (as well as other user on these forums) available for fixing this kind of issues, as I've got experience in resolving them.
Thanks for support so enthusiasm, because for secure, you can annouce your IP wan or your mail, i really need your support
90% wait means your hard drives are too slow and your server is waiting to access information. You need to tweak the hell out of the mysql and apache configs to get them to request data faster.
90% WA can be caused by ddos attacks or http flood, if the requested page is a poorly written page of a cms which does a lot of requests to MySQL.... and SWAP is used there.
thanks very much for support

i checked ddos when the server load is loaded high but have not any attack, server-status always in wait then down. i think it can hard drives low or have script running.

how can i check if have script or shell malicious code running on server.