Local mail server option


Verified User
Oct 12, 2008

Is there a possibility to search all users within DA that have the MX record option for a local mail server enabled? We just found out a client didn't receive e-mails from a website because this option was enabled, despite this option has been disabled by default.

I would like to know if there are other users with this option enabled without looking at their data one by one.

Thx in advance!

Check with a list in /etc/virtual/domains — it's a list of all domains with enabled Local Mail server option
In this file are (what it seems to be) all the domain pointers?
None of the domains in this file are defined as a "main domain".

I have checked a few users that belonged to the domain names and none of the users had the local mail server enabled.
The file includes the list of all domains/aliases/pointers for which Local Mail Server is enabled. It a simple list, one domain in one line. Use PHP/PERL/BASH/etc to do any filtering and sorting you want. User's data can be found in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/<USERNAME>/user.conf.

grep domain= /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/<USERNAME>/user.conf

Returns user's main domain.

There's no other way to do what you want. You can hire me to write a plugin for you, that will do that sort of things.