Logging in


New member
Jul 6, 2004
Help I hav ejust got my new site. but cant log in get login screen and enter info keeps going back to login screen help
The first time I installed DA I encountered he same thing but since it was a new installation I wasn't in a rush I reinstalled the operating system and installed DA again and I haven't encountered it since. I'm not sure if it was an error in DA or the OS since I did them both.

Since this is a new installation and if you don't have any accounts on you you may want to try reinstalling, or contact DA Support and have them take a look.

Have you tried restarting your server since you installed?

If you don't have anything on it yet you've got nothing to loose ;)
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Except a lot of time.

I'd ask DA before going to the trouble of a reinstallation.


The first thing you should do is check the DA logs:


When a login page just refreshes like that, it generally means /home/tmp isn't writeable.

chmod 1777 /home/tmp

generally fixes it. But check your logs to make sure that's the actual problem.

sorry its seems most of the answers seem to asume that I am the main server. this is not the case I hav ea link from escouts.net
While we don't mind helping users (domain owners) here on these forums we're very limited in what we can't do because we can't log in to your system. In that respect we're as limited as you are.

You should contact your hosting company for support.

By any chance are you using AOL to log in to DA?

I've heard that DA's method of assigning dynamic IP#s sometimes keeps people from successfully logging in.

I am having this same problem.
I have a DA install that will not allow me to login. I started a reseller backup earlier. When I came back, I entered my username and password. It just redirects me back to the login page.
DA has been running fine since February. I was able to login to it a few hours ago.
/var/log/directadmin/error.log is empty.
I have done chmod 1777 /home/tmp
I have also rebooted the server several times.
I have tried other usernames/passwords, none of them will work