Login screen = white screen

Line Yoble

Verified User
Feb 4, 2009

Yesterday, my DA very last version (1.33.6) worked fine.
Today, when I want to login (port 2222 as usual), the login screen is a blank white screen. Nothing inside !

The only change I have done yesterday is the following :
- I had a main site which was only accessible via http://<my_ip>/~admin, set as the default site (because the DNS servers of the domain pointed towards another web server and I had to tune the new web server before switching to it).
- Yesterday evening, I have changed the DNS servers of the domain associated with this site and now, I can access my site on my new server through the standard way (http://www.<my domain>)

I don't understand the link, if any, between this change and my DA problem.
But today I can no more login.

So, any help would be appreciated.


Check the following file to see if your IP has been black listed for failed login attempts.


If it is remove it. Then it would be a good idea to raise the number of login attempt failures to 30 or 40.
WHY? If you leave Direct Admin idol and your session times out, and then you click a link in DA; every image in DA will count against your IP as a failed login attempt. Then you may get the error you reported.

Another possibility is that DA service is not running.
Try: # service directadmin status
You should see something like this: directadmin (pid 28122 26601 25930 24476 23873 11358) is running...

Good luck -Jason
Thanks a lot Jason !
Just after posting, I got a DA email saying an IP address was black listed.
Opening the ip_blacklist through SSH, I found my current IP address.
So, I removed it and the login worked fine again just now.

But of course, I didn't understood why my IP address was blacklisted.
So, your explanation was welcome.

Thanks again.
